Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Before We Go

Wow, I can't believe I'm leaving in NINE DAYS! This trip is going to be something more than just being in the classroom and studying, it's going to be experiencing the culture, the people, and the pubs. I've been to Ireland before a few years ago and now I have another chance to go back. I think that's why out of all the places I could go, I chose Ireland. Studying abroad is a very unique opportunity to go to another country and to really experience not just the tourist sites but also to local favorites.
Being able to go for five whole weeks is going to be a bit crazy but also crazy good. I am probably most nervous about the traveling, just keeping up with my money, my passport, and also myself.  Also I'm a little nervous for the course work and the tests that I will have to study for because after all my education is why I'm there. But other than just the always lingering fear of getting lost in a foreign country that's about as much as what I'm nervous about. But let me tell you what I am really excited about the chance to live in another country for FIVE WEEKS!!! Also I am so stocked to be experiencing Ireland with a good friend who is also going. Over all the biggest thing I am most excited about is all the field trips we are going to be taking with our classes and what I am going to get to lean about the culture I am being thrown into. This trip is going to be more than just and amazing experience, it's going to be life changing.

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